Project Experience

Portfolio and gallery of our work and experience in a wide range of projects.

Siemens / OG&E Mustang Power Plant

  • 7 Siemens Gas Turbine Generating Units
  • Turn-key door‐to‐door logistics management
  • Multiple US and International based vendors
  • 4,150 Tons of material and components
  • 28 Ocean shipments
  • 450+ Truckloads
  • 7 Super Loads each weighing more than 105 tons

Siemens / Bayonne Energy Center

  • 2 Siemens Gas Turbine Generating Units
  • Turn‐key door‐to‐door logistics management
  • Multiple US and International based vendors
  • 1,350 tons of material and components
  • 6 Ocean shipments
  • 2 Barge shipments
  • 210 truckloads

Babcock and Wilcox / AECI New Madrid Station

  • Boiler Rework
  • Turn‐key door to door logistics management
  • Korea and Multiple US origins
  • 950 tons of material and components
  • 78 truck loads
  • Heavy Rigging     


GE/Carlsbad Energy Center – Carlsbad, CA

  • 5 GE LM6000 Combined Cycle Units
  • 4,065+tons of material and components
  • 800+Truckloads from US and MX locations
  • Arranged short‐term storage of 500+ truckloads

GE/Basin Electric-Bismarck, ND

  • 2GE LM6000 Combined Cycle Units
  • 1,825+ tons of material & components
  • 215+Truckloads
  • 2 Super Loads – 105 tons each


Bechtel / Bantrel Oil Sands – Ft. Mackay, AB

  • Multiple US and International based vendors
  • 35,000+ tons of material & components
  • Multiple ocean voyages
  • 1,500+ truckloads